Tech Talk: The Future of The Channel is AwesomeTech Talk: The Future of The Channel is Awesome
There's plenty to look forward to in the channel space, from new technology to fresh ideas from up and coming tech moguls and more.

Today is my last day as the Associate Editor at the VAR Guy, which is definitely a bittersweet moment for me. But at the same time, I can’t help but be excited not just for myself, but for the future of the IT channel as a whole. After all, what’s not to be excited about?
You see, these past two and a half years working with the talented folks at Penton Technology have taught me a lot about the IT industry, and shown me just how much promise there is for the future of the channel. Now more than ever, we have the technology and the means to bring incredible solutions to customers anywhere in the world, and to create and deliver new ways of doing business that just a few years ago would have seemed impossible. Even better, a new generation of IT workers is quickly stepping up to the plate to take on the challenges and responsibilities inherent in this business, and bringing a slate of fresh ideas, genuine enthusiasm and thought leadership to the table.
I could go on and on, but I’ll try to be brief. This is a great time to be a part of the channel community and I’m thrilled to have been able to learn more about the space and interact with some of the hardworking people that make everything run so smoothly. From the channel chiefs managing thousands of channel partners down to the mom-and-pop VAR selling surveillance equipment to local shops, everyone in the channel has a crucial role to play. And if I’m correct, things are only going to get better.
Virtual technology and the advent of enterprise wearables promise to bring the channel community together in ways we never dreamed possible. Add to that the fact that channel leaders continue to improve upon and listen to partner suggestions, and we could very well be at the cusp of a channel renaissance. Amazing things are coming, people. It’s only a matter of time.
So while I might be leaving the channel for now, I’m already looking forward to seeing how the space with advance and grow while I’m gone. Thanks for all the memories, and remember to keep an eye out for what’s on the horizon.
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