Managed Big Data Services: Will MongoDB Attract MSPs?Managed Big Data Services: Will MongoDB Attract MSPs?
MongoDB raised $150 million in new venture capital. Funding for a MongoDB Management Service will grow. MSPs should take note.

If you look at the Big Four IT Trends for 2013 (Cloud, Mobile, Social, Big Data), most managed services providers (MSPs) are laggards in the Big Data market. A minority of MSPs manage and optmize customers’ databases. Even fewer gather, manage and analyze Big Data (structured and structured) information for customers. A fast-growing startup called MongoDB may seek to change that.
The company develops a NoSQL database designed for Big Data applications. MongoDB just raised $150 million from venture capitalists. Some of that money will be used for a managed services-type push. According to a prepared statement:
“The company will use these funds to further invest in the core MongoDB project as well as in MongoDB Management Service, a suite of tools and services to operate MongoDB at scale. In addition, MongoDB will extend its efforts in supporting its growing user base throughout the world.”
Read between the lines and there are several potential paths forward:
MongoDB will use its Management Service to remotely manage customers’ NoSQL databases — running either on-premises or in the cloud.
MSPs will get hip to the Big Data craze, and embrace tools like the MongoDB Management Service to optimize Big Data services for customers.
I’m not sure if or when No. 2 will happen. But if I was a betting man I’d say it has to happen. MongoDB can’t hope to manage all customer databases on its own (that would take one heck of a global NOC service). Instead, the company will need to lean more and more on channel partners. Matt Asay, VP of business development, is working hard to make sure MongoDB has a successful partner program.
Asay is reaching out to cloud services providers (CSPs), ISVs, IHVs, SIs and VARs. Hopefully, MSPs are also on his target list.
And for MSPs, perhaps this is an opportunity to finally ride the Big Data wave with customers.
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