Make the Switch to Mac, And Reap the RewardsMake the Switch to Mac, And Reap the Rewards
I’m just as tired of the Apple “purists” as you are, and I’ve got no desire to start rehashing the old “PC vs. Mac” commercials from a few years ago. That said, I AM going to tell you why you should consider switching to a Mac environment for your MSP.

No, I’m not here to start badmouthing Windows to you. I’m just as tired of the Apple “purists” as you are, and I’ve got no desire to start rehashing the old “PC vs. Mac” commercials from a few years ago.
That said, I AM going to tell you why you should consider switching to a Mac environment for your MSP.
We started using Macs exclusively at Ulistic a few years ago, and I have never regretted it. There’s a certain ease of use that comes with Apple that I just don’t find elsewhere – easy networking, simple updating processes, and fast, reliable systems. And not to say that Macs are completely problem-free (we all know NO system is 100% problem-free), but I really see far fewer issues pop up on my Mac than I saw on a regular basis on my PCs.
My friend Chris Michalec over at Parkway Technology Solutions has seen the same value:
“Productivity. This is what it comes down to. The reliability, low malware infection potential, and the incredible Mac OS X only software mean that my techs can get more done and not have to worry about Windows Updates, incompatibilities, or viruses putting a halt to productivity.”
Chris and the team over at Parkway know that the main purpose of an MSP’s internal IT systems is to improve service delivery for its clients. Full stop. “We will be able to get things done more efficiently, communicate better, and not worry so much about managing our own technology,” said Chris.
Mobility is a huge part of Apple’s appeal for Parkway as well. “We also use iPhones fairly heavily, and my techs have been pushing to experiment with iPads, as well,” said Chris. “The new features in Mac OS X Yosemite mean that our iPhones and iPads can be an extension of our computers and not just another device to manage.”
This isn’t a 100% switch over to Apple, though. Parkway is still using a Windows server to run several VMs, and they’re adding a Mac server into the mix. The market hasn’t made a broad switch to Apple yet, and it’s not likely to in the near future, but more and more businesses are starting to incorporate Macs into their environment.
“To be honest, even a year ago this switch would have been close to impossible for us,” said Chris. “But thanks to software vendors going multi-platform and more software applications being cloud-based, it requires almost ZERO changes in the software we use. I can’t say that applies to all of our clients, but you are seeing more and more businesses, especially newer ones who were built around this new technology, embrace Macs since they enjoy Apple’s other products.”
And it’s important to note that the new blood coming into the MSP industry have more experience with Apple and its capabilities as well. There’s a certain ease for many younger techs with mobile devices, especially iPhones and iPads, and they want to be able to use these devices to help do their jobs.
So the market hasn’t begun a full migration to Mac yet, but it’s getting its feet wet. Are you looking at the benefits you could be reaping with Apple? Have you thought about whether your clients are starting to adopt Apple technologies into their own business as well? Are you learning how to support Apple and how the solutions you’ll provide for Apple products and services are different from those you do for Windows?
There’s a lot to consider, but it’s worth it. Chris puts it best: “Computers are supposed to make us more productive, but when you have to spend hours managing an environment something is seriously wrong. Apple seems to simplify things for us so we can do what we do best – deliver excellent service and support for the technology that small businesses in the Triad use.”
Ulistic provides marketing services to managed services providers. The Ulistic team acts as part of your team, engaging and working with your MSP each day to assist in providing the foundation for stratospheric success. Learn more at
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