LogMeIn Rescue Wins Remote IT Support Deal with Australian ISPLogMeIn Rescue Wins Remote IT Support Deal with Australian ISP
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September 21, 2011

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LogMeIn, the remote access and remote desktop software provider, has signed a remote technical support agreement with Internode, a massive ISP in Australia. Internode will use LogMeIn Rescue — coupled with broadband services — for remote technical customer support.LogMeIn Rescue is a cloud-based SaaS solution. It allows IT help desks to remotely manage computers, tablets and smartphones. At Internode, 50 customer service representatives have already used LogMeIn Rescue in a test pilot session, during which they solved hundreds of support issues. The result? Eighty-four percent of clients said they preferred the LogMeIn Rescue support over previous support sessions that did not include remote control management, and 95 percent of customers said their technical issues were resolved by the end of the call.
LogMeIn Rescue is used by four out of the five top U.S. mobile carriers and by some of the world’s leading telecom operators, according to LogMeIn.
Meaanwhile, LogMeIn has also been pushing into new markets. The company recently cut prices for join.me pro, an online meeting and collaboration service that seeks to compete with Citrix GoToMeeting.
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