Friday's Last Word: Open-Xchange CEO Rafael LagunaFriday's Last Word: Open-Xchange CEO Rafael Laguna
Open-Xchange CEO Rafael Laguna took over as the company's CEO in 2008 and has been leading the company ever since. How does Laguna sit in on free concerts? We'll tell you.
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Friday's Last Word: Open-Xchange CEO Rafael Laguna — Who is he?
Open-Xchange CEO Rafael Laguna took over as the web-based communication software company's CEO in 2008, after co-founding the company and sitting in as chairman of the board. As CEO, Languna has welcomed software as a service (SaaS) into the company's product portfolio.
Prior to Open-Xchange, Laguna worked at Bäurer, a business management software company that was acquired by Sage Group back in 2006, where he helped manage the company in his role as chairman.
Languna has also worked as a business angel and consultant of software technology for several venture capital funds.
What's Laguna's plan for 2014?
He plans to expand the company's application portfolio, launch new partners and grow Open-Xchange's base of end users from 80 million to at least 120 million.
What is Friday's Last Word?
Friday's Last Word welcomes cloud-centric CEOs who are looking to dress down on Friday and have a little fun with our readers. Click on each photo to learn more about the CEO you're viewing.
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