Friday's Last Word: Accellion CEO Yorgen EdhlomFriday's Last Word: Accellion CEO Yorgen Edhlom

Accellion CEO Yorgen Edhlom may have more than 25 years in enterprise software expertise, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have a little fun. Find out who Edholm is outside of the office.

CJ Arlotta, Associate Editor

May 23, 2014

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Friday's Last Word: Accellion CEO Yorgen Edhlom

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Friday's Last Word: Accellion CEO Yorgen Edhlom — Who is he?

Before taking on his role at Accellion, a private cloud sharing and mobile collaboration solution company, Yorgen Edholm co-founded Brio Technology, where he took the company public and grew it to $150 million in revenues.

Edholm was also president and CEO of DecisionPoint Applications, an analytical applications company.

He has also served on several public and private company boards including Hyperion, I-many, Resilience, Verix and Saama.

What's Edholm's plan for Accellion in 2014?

Edholm said the company plans to continue creating mobile solutions that improve business productivity, while at the same time expanding its global presence as a leading provider of private cloud file sharing solutions.

What is Friday's Last Word?

Friday's Last Word welcomes cloud-centric CEOs who are open to entertaining our readers with personality and sincerity, not PR rhetoric. Click on each photo to learn more about the CEO you're viewing.

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About the Author

CJ Arlotta

Associate Editor, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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