Box and Dropbox Alternatives: LogMeIn, Anchor & Vembu Weigh InBox and Dropbox Alternatives: LogMeIn, Anchor & Vembu Weigh In

When it comes to Box and Dropbox alternatives, MSPs (managed services providers) have a growing list of options from which to choose.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

December 18, 2012

2 Min Read
Box and Dropbox Alternatives: LogMeIn, Anchor & Vembu Weigh In

LogMeIn Cubby

When it comes to Box and Dropbox alternatives, MSPs (managed services providers) have a growing list of options from which to choose. LogMeIn (NASDAQ: LOGM) announced Cubby pricing today; Anchor, a startup, is seeking MSP partners; and storage veteran Vembu Technologies continues to weigh in with SyncBlaze. In some ways, the online file sharing and storage market reminds me of that famous Yogi Berra quote: “Nobody goes there anymore; it’s too crowded.” But does Berra’s quote apply to this market?

Yes and no. The traditional file syncing and sharing market is far too crowded. In addition to Box and Dropbox, don’t forget about Apple iCloudMicrosoft SkyDrive and Google Drive, which could evolve beyond personal and individual use.

Still, there could be room for new, innovative file sharing and syncing solutions in the MSP market — especially since many of the current options don’t really have purpose-built partner programs that engage MSPs. Anchor’s leadership team made that point clearly to me earlier this month. And earlier this year, Vembu positioned SyncBlaze specifically for MSPs.

Now along comes LogMeIn’s Cubby. Currently in beta, LogMeIn says the cloud sync and storage service will have a premium version (Cubby Pro) and a free version (Cubby Basic). General availability is expected in early 2013, the company said.

According to a prepared statement:

  •  Cubby Pro features LogMeIn’s distinct DirectSync capability for unlimited peer-to-peer syncing of information across PCs and Macs, additional security capabilities for controlling access to sensitive information, and 100GB of optional cloud storage. A yearly subscription to Cubby Pro starts at $6.99 per month ($83.88/year) prepaid annually, and monthly subscriptions are available starting at $9.99 per month.

  • Cubby Basic provides users with a free, yet simple and secure cloud service for accessing information from virtually any device and sharing files with other people via the cloud, and includes 5GB of storage.

LogMeIn is offering special beta pricing that offers Cubby Pro and 100GB of cloud storage for a yearly subscription of $47.88 ($3.99 per month).

It’s a safe bet LogMeIn will eventually promote Cubby to MSPs. The company recently hired former Intronis VP of Channel Development Ted Roller to help LogMeIn work more closely with MSPs and outsourced IT specialists.

I don’t know how Roller and his LogMeIn peers plan to shape Cubby’s channel partner program. But I think one is coming…

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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