BDR 101 Recap: Warding Off Summer SlothBDR 101 Recap: Warding Off Summer Sloth

Staying on top of your BDR customers during the summer will keep them protected. Follow these tips to keep them ahead of the game.

CJ Arlotta, Associate Editor

May 28, 2014

2 Min Read
Before customers go away on vacation remind them about preparation
Before customers go away on vacation, remind them about preparation.

Take a look outside your window — go ahead. There’s no longer any snow on the ground (hopefully), and the leaves are finally back on the trees. But as the weather heats up, what else has made its return? You guessed it: laziness.

Not only will your employees become less productive during the summer months, but your data and backup disaster recovery (BDR) customers will also fall into a slump, dreaming of timeshares and fun-filled family vacations. Your job: redirect their attention to you — in a way.

As a managed services provider (MSP), as a trusted advisor, one of your objectives is to take the pressure off of your customers, but it’s also a good day if they’re able to indirectly assist you with your job.

Here are a few tips that we learned last year from Strata Information Technology, Inc. President Pete Robbins:

  • Meet with customers annually to discuss business continuity — Understand how your customers plan to keep the business running during disaster, including disasters not caused by nature. His company then reviews the plan to close any holes. If customers don’t have a plan, or if they’re new, Robbins works with them to prepare one;

  • Budget and implement changes — Changes may need to be made for BDR solutions or BC plans. These alterations may need to be appropriately budgeted. Assist your customers by identifying costs. Help implement your customer’s changes; and

  • Test customer plans — Plans need to be tested for areas that are still at risk. Don’t let Mother Nature control you. Take the summer to test, test, and test plans.

How do you avoid summer sloth? What measures do you take to keep your employees going during the summer heat?

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About the Author

CJ Arlotta

Associate Editor, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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