Vanco Launches NetDirectVanco Launches NetDirect
October 9, 2006
Virtual network operator Vanco (Booth 601) at the COMPTEL PLUS Convention and EXPO launched Vanco NetDirect, designed to give customers greater DSL access to Direct Internet Access, as well as MPLS coverage.
Customers select and provision the services through a Web portal. Once signed in to the system, users can enter each site location and circuit requirement circuit type, bandwidth and class of service to display prices for locations globally, and to place orders for those circuits. Ongoing network assurance is highly automated and accessed through a Web portal as well.
Vanco NetDirect is ideal for carriers, systems integrators and outsourcers looking to extend their reach, according to Vanco.
There are only a very few carriers that have global reach, but almost everyone has multinational customers, said Allen Timpany, CEO of Vanco. With Vanco NetDirect, telecom providers can now offer their customers additional network capability on a global scale at a competitive price. This is about helping our customers win more business and at better margins.
To be able to offer such comprehensive and competitive solutions globally, you have to be independent and deliver connectivity via the local or regional providers of DIA and MPLS, added Wayne Churchill, CEO of Vanco NetDirect. The cost of networks is decreased and service quality is improved by using high-quality local infrastructure with greater density than is provided today by the handful of international carriers.
Vanco NetDirect
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