Product Showcase November 2006Product Showcase November 2006

Channel Partners

November 1, 2006

3 Min Read
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Click to EnlargeAirDefense Mobile 4.0

AirDefense Protects Enterprises

The latest version of AirDefense Enterprise 7.0 analyzes existing and day zero threats in real time against historical data to more accurately detect threats and anomalous behavior coming from inside or outside the organization.

Meanwhile, AirDefense Mobile 4.0 includes a new analysis engine, which is built on the technology used in AirDefense Enterprise. The analysis engine contains more than 100 security and performance-based alarms, along with other new features such as alarm notification via e-mail or Syslog messaging. AirDefense Mobile locates rogue access points and stations, and closes any security holes as part of a WLAN policy compliance program. AirDefense Mobile synchronizes with AirDefense Enterprise.

Click to EnlargeNetwork Chemistrys RFprotect Distributed

Network Chemistry Offers RFprotect Distributed

Network Chemistry Inc. offers RFprotect Distributed for securing facilities and endpoints against wireless threats and has updated the product with more user-interface capabilities and a Web-based dashboard. RFprotect Distributed security sensors now shield dozens of rogue devices. The Web dashboard allows administrators to access the system remotely at any time. There also are new policy wizards for implementing enterprise-wide wireless security policies.

AirMagnet Adds Capabilities, Introduces Analyzer

Click to EnlargeAirMagnet Laptop Analyzer 6.0

AirMagnet Inc. has added new capabilities to its flagship Enterprise product and introduced AirMagnet Laptop Analyzer 6.0, the latest version of its laptop-based WLAN security and troubleshooting software.

AirMagnet Enterprise 7.5 incorporates pre-802.11n security and interoperability alarms, expanded spectrum analysis and increased session analysis to resolve wireless security, performance and compliance issues. It now scans more than 200 channels in the 802.11a band for monitoring of all 802.11a/b/g channels.

AirMagnets Laptop Analyzer 6.0 supports Intel Centrino technology, which means users do not have to buy a separate Wi-Fi card; the system also includes a remote visibility capability to share real-time network information remotely. There further is compliance reporting for the credit card industrys PCI DSS security standard.

AirTight Announces New Products

AirTight SpectraGuard Enterprise appliance and sensors

AirTight Networks, a provider of wireless perimeter security solutions, announced four new products that combine with AirTights four-tiered network architecture to secure and manage networks supporting a variety of wireless devices.

The new products include SpectraGuard Managed Network Console (MNC) release 1.0, SpectraGuard Enterprise release 5.0, a new highcapacity hardware appliance for SpectraGuard Enterprise, as well as SpectraGuard SAFE (Security Agent For Endpoints) release 2.0. All of these products fit within AirTightís Wireless Intrusion Prevention and Performance Management


Air Defense Enterprise www.airdefense.netAirMagnet Inc. www.airmagnet.comAirTight Networks www.airtightnetworks.netNetwork Chemistry Inc.

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