Salary Survey Explores Value of IT CertificationsSalary Survey Explores Value of IT Certifications

A look at the certifications with the highest salaries

June 10, 2016

2 Min Read
Salary Survey Explores Value of IT Certifications

As part of the 2016 Global Knowledge IT Skills & Salary Survey, thousands of IT professionals were asked about an always-pressing issue: Certifications, and how important they are to career success.

The results were surprising: Almost nine out of ten IT professionals responded that had earned at least one professional certification during their careers, a jump from just under eight out of ten the year before.

In fact, 29 percent of IT professionals had earned a certification within the last six months alone, and 40 percent reported were currently working on a new certification.

The survey also found that those with security certifications were in high demand among IT decision makers, with those holding security-related certifications averaging among the highest pay.



The survey also found that Microsoft's revamped program has led to fewer respondents taking part, but those that do are seeing a bigger payoff.

To see all the details on certifications and a variety of other topics, download the full free report by providing your information below.

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