ConnectWise's Arlin Sorensen on Business Value Creation and Acquisition in a COVID WorldConnectWise's Arlin Sorensen on Business Value Creation and Acquisition in a COVID World
The market for acquisitions hasn't slowed down, despite the pandemic. Arlin Sorensen of ConnectWise provides insights.
July 9, 2020

Business value creation happens when a business or organization uses its work and resources to create something of value that is sold to a customer base. Prior to COVID-19, the market for M&A was very active, and while the pandemic has impacted things significantly, it hasn’t stopped interest or deals that are underway.
In a recent webinar, Arlin Sorensen of ConnectWise led a discussion that dove into the current landscape of what partners are seeing in the marketplace around them regarding building business value on the sell side, and how they are looking at acquisitions on the buy side of the M&A world for MSPs.
Joined by Reed Warren, CEO and CVA at IT Valuations, Jake Spanberger, president at Entech, and Mike Williams, chief strategy officer at Logically, Sorensen talked about what has changed and how both buyers and sellers are looking at the market in today’s new reality.
The discussion represented people active on both sides of the table and gave prescriptive guidance on what you need to do today to increase the value of your business, or how to consider the potential acquisition opportunities that will likely exist in the coming months.
According to Sorensen, there are seven ways to increase the value of one’s business. So, we dove into them a little more in-depth.
Business Value Levers
1. Financial performance
Not just top-line revenue (growth)
Not just EBITDA (profit)
Biggest driver: recurring revenue
Businesses are paid for with available cash flow.
Clean numbers are a big plus – addbacks vs deducts.
Valuation calculators can help.
Multiple of EBITDA
Revenue stream values
2. Preparation
There will be a transition.
Prepare now.
Due diligence should guide preparation.
Organize, scan and store information the way buyers will want it.
It gives confidence.
3. People
Make yourself replaceable.
Develop strong leadership and management.
Consistent people investment and growth
Well defined org chart with accountability
Strong HR practices
4. Customer and Revenue Retention
Long-term customers with low churn
Assignable contracts
Revenue growth from:
Current customers
New customer acquisitions
Low customer revenue concentration
Retention growth from base
5. Have an Integration Plan
Skill sets identified
Processes documented
Policies defined
Helping the acquirer get to positive ground sooner than later is a huge driver.
6. Know What You Want Post Transaction
Continue as operator
Continue as consultant
Exit in 3/6/12 months
Exit on transaction
7. Have a Post-Event Plan
You can’t just do nothing.
Golf every day gets boring.
Don’t self-sabotage the sale.
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