Abundant IoT Expands Into eIoT SolutionsAbundant IoT Expands Into eIoT Solutions
The company is launching the Green Generator and a filter that saves money on electricity.
September 13, 2022

PRESS RELEASE — MSP SUMMIT/CHANNEL PARTNERS LEADERSHIP SUMMIT — ORLANDO, FL — Sept. 13, 2022 — Abundant IoT (Booth 310) is excited to announce the launch of the most sought-after IoT product in the channel, eIoT (energy IoT), including the launch of the Green Generator AND a filter that can save over 10% on electricity anywhere in the US. The eIoT solution allows companies to plan and manage energy consumption through a dashboard tailored exclusively to their needs. “While sensor solutions are the mainstay in the IoT space, Abundant IoT takes it to the next level by offering a way to predict spending and the use of electricity and other energy services as part of the solution,” stated Vince Bradley, CEO of Abundant IoT. “With E.S.G. Ratings being given out to all businesses in the next year, the increased price of energy coupled with the 60+ billion being allocated to the energy space due to the inflation reduction act, there could not be a better time to tap into eIoT solutions.”
Abundant IoT does not stop there: hot off ‘best in show’ at the Las Vegas Channel Partners Spring conference, as the only Helium network distributor in the IT channel, Abundant IoT also adds LoFi (LoRaWan) solutions. LoFi is sustainable and the most cost-effective solution compared to legacy wireless infrastructure such as access points, sims, etc. Abundant IoT customers can now pay pennies on the dollar with LoFi for new construction as well as add-ons and retrofits. LoFi combined with Blockchain creates a long-range extremely secure solution that is game-changing.
For more information, visit Abundant IoT in booth 310 at the Fall MSP summit in Orlando September 13-16, visit our website https://www.abundantiot.com or call us on (217)IoT4you.
About Abundant IoT
Abundant IoT is a provider of global technology services that focuses on transforming business ecosystems, offering the most complete IoT solution in the channel with a focus on Energy, Connectivity, Mobility and Cloud services combined with devices (ie- sensors). Sensor-based solutions are augmented with LoFi and significant energy efficiency implementation, otherwise known as eIoT.
Abundant IoT empowers, transforms, and supports organizations through a channel of independent Technology Advisor Partners. With hundreds of partnerships, access to over 1000 sensors, and over 25 years of experience in the industry, Abundant IoT is the leader in customizing the best emerging technology digital solutions for organizations through its channel of experts. Bundling custom solutions for the top industry verticals and targets, Abundant IoT provides solutions for underserved areas of the channel, enabling technology advisors to add new revenue streams and retain more customers.
As specialists in technology facility sourcing, Abundant IoT also offers a holistic ecosystem including decentralized storage which is helping the web 3.0 journey options for data center, storage and other enterprises. Customers pay once regardless of the number of sites the data is replicated in and can also replicate the data anywhere in the world without headaches unlike traditional storage products.
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