Found: The Next $100 Million Managed Services Provider?Found: The Next $100 Million Managed Services Provider?

Jason Evans has big plans. As president and CEO of PEQ Services + Solutions, Evans is developing a long-term plan to grow the managed service provider's revenues to $100 million, up from an anticipated $60 million in 2010. Evans shared some of PEQ's strategy in a FastChat video with MSPmentor.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

February 12, 2010

peq services and solutions

peq services and solutions

Jason Evans has big plans. As president and CEO of PEQ Services + Solutions, Evans is developing a long-term plan to grow the managed service provider’s revenues to $100 million, up from an anticipated $60 million in 2010. Evans shared some of PEQ’s strategy in a FastChat video with MSPmentor.

PEQ, which recently merged with Buchanan Technologies of Dallas, landed on our third-annual MSPmentor 100 list. We’ll be posting FastChat videos with a range of executives representing MSPmentor 100 companies in the days and weeks ahead.

During my discussion with Evans, he shared some surprising insights. Among them: One of the biggest revenue opportunities for PEQ involves managed print services — a market that many MSPs continue to overlook. Also of note: PEQ sees a global strategy as one way to give employees more time with their families. And Evans also shared some lofty revenue goals.

I concede: I didn’t really drill Evans on earnings, margins and the growth plan. But MSPmentor will be sure to stay in touch with him to see how PEQ is executing against its plan in the months ahead.

Here’s the FastChat video:

The video covers:

0:00 Introduction
0:10  What inspired PEQ to acquire Buchanan Technologies?
0:35  Marching to $60 million, $100 million and beyond
1:10  How going global allows employees to work normal shifts
1:47  PEQ’s initial moves in the managed services market
2:47  Cross selling managed services and consulting services
3:05  Emerging managed print opportunities
3:55   More information
4:14  Conclusion

Check the MSPmentor 100 center for more FastChat videos with executives representing MSPmentor 100 companies. The videos will be debuting regularly throughout 2010. Also, our MSPmentor FastChat video center contains all of our video content.

About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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