Before Blizzards Hit, Speak Up About BDR, Business ContinuityBefore Blizzards Hit, Speak Up About BDR, Business Continuity

Preparing for blizzards in the Northeast of the United States is half of the battle. It's now time to remind customers of your BDR and business continuity services — before the storm hits.

CJ Arlotta, Associate Editor

November 14, 2014

2 Min Read
Photo by Scott OlsonGetty Images
(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

It’s a terrible time of the year when MSPmentor has to use an image similar to the one on the left — a blizzard, probably somewhere in the Northeast. Yes, it’s that time of the year: Christmas is right around the corner  — and snow is heading our way.

What does this mean for MSPs? Backup and disaster recovery (BDR) and business continuity is on the mind of customers. All year long, MSPs pushed to get customers to understand — humans cause more disasters than natural disasters. But they didn’t budge.

Don’t be disappointed. You did the best you could. Now it’s time to prepare and show your customers how useful your services could be to customers. Not sure how to get a jump start?

Here’s MSPmentor’s coverage of Nemo, the 2013 storm that slammed into the Northeast.

MSPs: Creating Illusions with Social Media

As far as we know, MSPs aren’t in the business of creating illusions, but maybe they should be going forward. Some municipalities, however, used social media and other Web-based methods to comfort the public, while they (poorly) assessed the situation at hand during Nemo. MSPs can apply these same illusions during unusual circumstances.

Datto vs. Blizzard Nemo: An View from Inside the BDR Plan

Every storm brings its own unique BDR challenges for MSPs. MSPs overcome these difficulties by being prepared, adapting to unusual circumstances, and learning from mistakes. How can MSPs be proactive to prepare the company for any storm?

Nemo Blizzard: Getting Your Customers Ready for Outages

Webistix, Inc, an MSPmentor 100 company in 2008, offered our readers several tips for its different classes of clients when weather threatens power and other service disruptions. Webistix CEO Vincent Dispigno was kind enough to share with us these instructions.

BDR Storm Preparedness: Tips for the Next Storm

Datto Inc. Datto Director of Technical Support Victor Mathieu shared his company’s Nemo experience with us and explained how being proactive prepared the company for the blizzard.

Follow CJ Arlotta on Twitter @cjarlotta and Google+ for further updates on the story above — or if you just want to say hello.

About the Author

CJ Arlotta

Associate Editor, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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