Who Are the Top 100 Managed Service Providers?Who Are the Top 100 Managed Service Providers?
Still skeptical about the managed service provider (MSP) market? Looking to learn from the best? Perhaps The VAR Guy's sister site, MSPmentor, can give you a feel for the hottest trends -- and players -- in the MSP space. Check out the MSPmentor 100, which identifies 100 of the most progressive managed service providers in the world. The research project, published today, includes MSPs from across North America, Europe, Australia and other regions. The report also includes:
Still skeptical about the managed service provider (MSP) market? Looking to learn from the best? Perhaps The VAR Guy’s sister site, MSPmentor, can give you a feel for the hottest trends — and players — in the MSP space. Check out the MSPmentor 100, which identifies 100 of the most progressive managed service providers in the world. The research project, published today, includes MSPs from across North America, Europe, Australia and other regions.
The report also includes:
The MSPmentor 100 Complete Report (Registration Required; available as a PDF from our Resource Center on January 29)
The Top 25, Ranked by managed services revenue dollar growth (2007 vs. 2006)
The Top 25, Ranked by managed services revenue percentage growth (2007 vs. 2006)
Now that you have a feel for how we pulled together our report, give it a look by visiting the MSPmentor 100 main section. And don’t forget to visit our MSPmentor Resource Center on January 29 to download a complete PDF of the report (registration required).
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