Juniper, Verisign Partner for Hybrid DDoS ProtectionJuniper, Verisign Partner for Hybrid DDoS Protection
Juniper Networks and Verisign are teaming up to connect on-premise and cloud-based distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack protection in a hybrid solution. According to the two companies, the new product was designed to effectively combat the growing diversity of DDoS attacks.
March 19, 2014

Juniper Networks (JNPR) and Verisign (VRSN) are teaming up to connect on-premise and cloud-based distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack protection in a hybrid solution. According to the two companies, the new product was designed to effectively combat the growing diversity of DDoS attacks.
The product consists of both network- and application-layer protection that is provided by Juniper's on-premise DDoS Secure product and Verisign's cloud-based DDoS Protection Service. Combined, Juniper and Verisign should be able to provide a stronger DDoS protection solution that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Described as a hybrid solution, the product adjusts parameters used for identifying and filtering potentially malicious traffic based on the response and performance of protected applications. With DDoS attacks growing in sophistication and size, including high-volume attacks that overwhelm network resources and low-volume attacks that target applications, the companies noted it is difficult to properly protect against such attacks.
"In today's network-dependent world, DDoS solutions must be able to detect and mitigate zero-day threats and large-scale attacks to help businesses of all types and sizes stay secure, stable and available," said Sean Leach, vice president of Technology at Verisign, in a prepared statement. "Our hybrid approach makes this possible by helping to ensure immediate mitigation on-premise with Juniper and in the cloud with Verisign, thereby quickly addressing attacks while also providing the extra bandwidth needed for mitigation as those attacks ramp up."
A few of the key features in this hybrid solution include:
Real-time adaptive migration. Juniper DDoS Secure monitors the health of protected services and apps in the data center to stop low and slow attacks locally with a subsecond time of detection-to-mitigation response. When attacks are detected, Verisign's cloud service provides protection against network and application layer attacks.
Joint collaboration between Juniper and Verisign.
Open standards for DDoS protection in heterogeneous environments. The hybrid product is just the beginning of this partnership, as Juniper and Verisign plan to continue to define and promote open source standards for communication between dedicated, on-premise DDoS mitigation devices and cloud-based solutions.
"Companies today need high-IQ networks that are automated and adaptive and that can deliver real-time and efficient detection and mitigation to ensure their network and applications are 'always on,'" said Kevin Kennedy, senior director of Product Management for Juniper's Security Business, in a prepared statement.
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