C is for Cloud … and Collaboration (Here's Why)C is for Cloud … and Collaboration (Here's Why)
In today’s world, productivity is a fundamental goal for which we all strive. A productive organization can bring solutions to market more quickly, address customers' issues before they
March 22, 2012

By Renee Bergeron 2
cloud partners
In today’s world, productivity is a fundamental goal for which we all strive. A productive organization can bring solutions to market more quickly, address customers’ issues before they escalate, and drive the market with innovation. Traditionally, productivity meant leveraging a desktop that provided access to documents and Web pages as well as access to email for communications. Everyone operated within a predefined workflow within that narrow context. But that’s changing.Today, those traditional productivity tools are no longer sufficient to propel an organization to a competitive level of collaboration. Today’s productivity comes from real-time, context-aware access to information — all within a collaboration framework.
Collaboration revolves around the inimitable way a team interacts within its business ecosystem. What used to happen around the conference table is now powered by email and social media — instantaneous, situation-aware exchanges that take place around the globe 24 hours a day.
No longer does being productive mean reviewing email at my desk, then answering messages on my land line and finally on my cell phone. Rather, employees need to have all those communication and productivity tools, including email, voice mail, business contacts and instant messaging, pulled together into one central, highly accessible environment where information is presented based on threads and discussion topics, while also being indexed and searchable.
To achieve that level of interaction means more than empowering smart phones and tablets for mobile access, it means developing an enterprise-class solution that leverages the cloud to deliver refined, streamlined collaboration tools to create an integrated ecosystem.
For solutions providers, success demands more than a series of point solutions that address the individual components of collaboration. Instead, they must deliver an integrated solution that creates an overarching collaboration solution bigger and more flexible than its individual parts. That solution will move business customers toward a single access point where all their collaboration tools – email, voice mail, contacts, messaging, document sharing – come to rest in a easily configurable, context-aware and highly accessible dashboard — powered by the agility and ubiquity of cloud.
renee bergeron
Renee Bergeron is VP of managed services and cloud computing at Ingram Micro, overseeing such efforts as Ingram Micro Cloud. Monthly guest blogs such as this one are part of MSPmentor’s annual sponsorship program. Read all of Bergeron’s guest blogs here.You May Also Like