It’s 501 Somewhere: JS Group's Janet Schijns on How to Sell Reality Without Selling on FearIt’s 501 Somewhere: JS Group's Janet Schijns on How to Sell Reality Without Selling on Fear

Janet Schijns, CEO of channel consultancy JS Group, talks sales and marketing tactics in a COVID world.

Kris Blackmon, Partner Marketing Director

June 4, 2020

JS Group’s Janet Schijns, CEO of the channel consultancy, was a social selling advocate long before the coronavirus pandemic kept us from those face-to-face sales calls. But it’s inarguable that the sales and marketing tacticslike networking and referral programs – many partners have used for years don’t have much of a place in this COVID world. Partners have to learn a better, easier way — a way that gets more results with fewer resources.


JS Group’s Janet Schijns

In our recent Channel in Crisis: How Partners Are Navigating COVID-19 survey, more than one in four (28%) respondents say that the time they’re spending supporting existing clients has increased during this pandemic to such a degree that they’re unable to maintain new sales and onboarding activities at pre-March levels. That’s really scary, says Schijns. If those existing customers go out of business, the partners won’t have a funnel to fall back on.

In this installment of “It’s 501 Somewhere,” Schijns dons her social selling advocate hat once more. She talks frankly about how to sell reality without selling on fear; plus, the elements partners must now integrate into their online presence in order to stay relevant.

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About the Author

Kris Blackmon

Partner Marketing Director, AvePoint

Kris Blackmon is partner marketing director at AvePoint. She previously worked as head of channel communities at Zift Solutions, chief channel officer at JS Group, and as senior content director at Informa Tech where she was director of the MSP 501 community. Blackmon is chair of CompTIA's Channel Development Advisory Council and operates KB Consulting.

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