BTG Hires Virtual Desktop Executive for Business DevelopmentBTG Hires Virtual Desktop Executive for Business Development

IT and telecommunications solution provider Breakthrough Technology Group has appointed Joey Widener as the company's vice president of business development.

CJ Arlotta, Associate Editor

February 28, 2013

1 Min Read
BTG Hires Virtual Desktop Executive for Business Development

IT and telecommunications solution provider Breakthrough Technology Group has appointed Joey Widener as the company's vice president of business development. Widener brings product management experience in virtual desktop services to his new role having most recently served in that role at AT&T. Here's what Widener's new job will mean to BTG and its customers.

Widener's appointment “reflects both current demand and the unlimited, future opportunity for our managed desktop services and mobility,”  said Jeff Kaplan, CEO of Breakthrough Technology Group, in a statement. During Widener's 15 years at AT&T he guided the launch of  several offerings in AT&T's suite of cloud-based services including Synaptic Hosting, Synaptic Compute, and Synaptic Storage .

Breakthrough Technology Group has also recently hired CTO Adam Shapiro, formerly the vice president of client architecture at Citigroup, and CIO Travis Sales, previously a VMware senior engineer and principle at ThinApp (prior to its acquisition by VMware).

Also this week, AT&T recognized BTG as its Top Revenue Producing Solutions Provider for the third year in a row, BTG announced. BTG is a provider cloud-based desktop and storage solutions, remote monitoring and individual end-user IT support. SaaS services, end-user computing, virtualization and virtual desktop infrastructure, archiving, remote/managed desktop and help-desk support, cloud computing, server virtualization, and data backup.

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About the Author

CJ Arlotta

Associate Editor, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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