The Case for ColocationThe Case for Colocation

A crisis of capacity is coming — one for which customers are unprepared and lack the budget and technical resources to fix. Partners with colocation suppliers, backed with solid connectivity options, can deliver cloud-like efficiency and security without undertaking a massive construction project or sacrificing performance.

June 17, 2016

1 Min Read
The Case for Colocation

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A crisis of capacity is coming — one for which that customers are unprepared and lack the budget and technical resources to fix. Partners with colocation suppliers, backed with solid connectivity options, can deliver cloud-like efficiency and security without undertaking a massive construction project or sacrificing performance.

Takeaways for Your Business

In this Report you will learn:

  • How to make the case for colocation: A data crunch is coming. Smart partners will start planning now.

  • 4 selling points for renting data center space versus owning and upgrading a legacy facility

  • 4 top benefits of incorporating colo services into your portfolio

About the Author

Kurt Marko is an IT industry analyst, consultant and regular contributor to a number of technology publications, pursuing his passion for communications after a varied career that has spanned virtually the entire high-tech food chain from chips to systems. Upon graduating from Stanford University with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering, Marko spent several years as a semiconductor device physicist, doing process design, modeling and testing. He then joined AT&T Bell Laboratories as a memory chip designer and CAD and simulation developer. Moving to Hewlett-Packard, he started in the laser printer R&D lab doing electrophotography development, for which he earned a patent, but his love of computers eventually led him to join HP’s nascent technical IT group. Marko spent 15 years as an IT engineer and was a lead architect for several enterprisewide infrastructure projects at HP, including the Windows domain infrastructure, remote access service, Exchange email infrastructure and managed Web services.


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