Time Warner Telecom to Change NameTime Warner Telecom to Change Name
March 12, 2008
Time Warner Telecom Inc. said Wednesday it will change its name to tw telecom inc. on July 1. Until then, Time Warner Telecom will co-brand with the tw telecom name while completing necessary legal, marketing and regulatory requirements.
The time is right to focus our brand around the tw telecom name and a vision, a set of values and a brand promise that we have built over the past decade, said Larissa Herda, Time Warner Telecoms chairman, president and CEO.
Time Warner Telecom delivers high-speed, high-capacity communications services over its own national fiber network and IP backbone. The company operates in 75 U.S. metropolitan areas.
Time Warner Telecom has been operating under a name licensing agreement with Time Warner Inc. that will expire June 30.
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