Time Warner Telecom to Change NameTime Warner Telecom to Change Name

Channel Partners

March 12, 2008

1 Min Read
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Time Warner Telecom Inc. said Wednesday it will change its name to tw telecom inc. on July 1. Until then, Time Warner Telecom will co-brand with the tw telecom name while completing necessary legal, marketing and regulatory requirements.

The time is right to focus our brand around the tw telecom name and a vision, a set of values and a brand promise that we have built over the past decade, said Larissa Herda, Time Warner Telecoms chairman, president and CEO.

Time Warner Telecom delivers high-speed, high-capacity communications services over its own national fiber network and IP backbone. The company operates in 75 U.S. metropolitan areas.

Time Warner Telecom has been operating under a name licensing agreement with Time Warner Inc. that will expire June 30.

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