Windows Phone App Studio, Nokia Lumia 1020: Killer Combo?Windows Phone App Studio, Nokia Lumia 1020: Killer Combo?
Can Windows Phone App Studio and the Nokia Lumia 1020 smartphone spark a mobile imaging revolution for Microsoft?
August 7, 2013

Windows Phone App Studio is Microsoft’s (MSFT) latest attempt to pull software developers toward its smartphone strategy. Of course, the safe choice for most mobile app developers is to support Apple iOS and Google Android first. But Microsoft’s new development tools (coupled with the Nokia Lumia 1020) represents an intriguing opportunity for ISVs focused on photo, imaging and document management applications.
According to a Microsoft blog: “Windows Phone App Studio is about giving everyone the ability to create an app, regardless of experience. It also can radically accelerate workflow for all developers.”
Currently in beta, even novice developers can write a Windows Phone 8 app in four simple steps, Microsoft claims. The VAR Guy is intrigued — especially for mobile software developers who want to go narrow and deep in a specific app niche.
One prime opportunity: Writing apps that take full advantage of Nokia’s Lumia 1020 smart phone — which features a 41 megapixel digital camera. That device has won rave reviews. Forbes says the 1020 is “as ground-breaking as Nokia presented it to be at the New York launch.”
Looking ahead, perhaps Windows Phone App Studio can help developers to write photography, imaging, document management, scanning and other apps that really shine on the Lumia 1020. Surely, resellers that target vertical markets (financial services, real estate, insurance, among others) would welcome innovative apps that help customers to gather and manage digital images.
Have Microsoft and Nokia finally found some common ground on innovation? Hmmm… The VAR Guy is watching.
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