Thriving MSP Sees Dell, Apple OpportunitiesThriving MSP Sees Dell, Apple Opportunities

In preparation for next week's third-annual MSPmentor 100 report, I reached out to PEQ Services + Solutions President and CEO Jason Evans for an update on the company's 2010 strategy.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

February 4, 2010

2 Min Read
Thriving MSP Sees Dell, Apple Opportunities



In preparation for next week’s third-annual MSPmentor 100 report, I reached out to PEQ Services + Solutions President and CEO Jason Evans for an update on the company’s 2010 strategy. When we spoke earlier today about PEQ’s managed services growth, Evans offered several key insights — including three anecdotes that surprised me.

PEQ expects to generate more than $60 million in revenue in 2010 (in fact, that’s a conservative figure). Yes, PEQ will land somewhere on the MSPmentor 100 list when it debuts Feb. 10. We’re shooting multiple FastChat videos this week with quite a few of the MSPmentor 100 members.

As we spoke today, Evans shared anecdotes about 2009 learnings and 2010 strategies. He also confirmed a continued reliance on Kaseya and ConnectWise platforms. But three basic moves caught me by surprise:

  • PEQ is having considerable success as a Dell channel partner. Evans is the second solutions provider to tell me that in recent days. (The other is Five Nines Technology Group.)

  • PEQ has a fledgling partner relationship with Apple, and it could involve an auto/manufacturing industry customer making the move to Apple hardware really soon. A small — but growing — number of MSPs seem to have Apple on their minds.

  • PEQ sees managed print services as a big opportunity. There’s a lot of hype about managed print, but fewer than 30 percent of MSPmentor 100 survey participants are currently active in the managed print market. I’m surprised the figure isn’t higher.

Where else is PEQ heading? Evans shared quite a few thoughts in the FastChat video, which will debut here (along with the entire MSPmentor 100) on Feb. 10. We’ll share insights from two other CEOs representing MSPmentor 100 companies during a Feb. 10 live webcast.

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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