Where Automated Cloud Sharing is HeadedWhere Automated Cloud Sharing is Headed
Last month we talked about how future devices will affect file sharing. Well it looks like the future is already here. A company has recently Kickstarted a device designed to integrate cloud sharing, home automation and internet security. It is becoming more important than ever for MSPs to understand where cloud-based file sharing is headed and how they will need to integrate their services and solutions.
December 23, 2014

By Michael Brown 1
Recently we talked about how future devices will affect file sharing. Well it looks like the future is already here. A company has recently Kickstarted a device designed to integrate cloud sharing, home automation and internet security. It is becoming more important than ever for MSPs to understand where cloud-based file sharing is headed and how they will need to integrate their services and solutions.
NUZii, which is attempting to become the home hub for all cloud storage and automation. While they focus on individual consumers and not companies, it is clear that the industry is headed in a direction that favors more automation.
Companies and users don’t want to think about cloud storage, they just want a smart and seamless experience through their entire workflow. NUZii is working to give home “users” less that they need to think about. MSPs need to work with companies and find solutions that give their users less they need to think about.
Users Don’t Want to Think About: Apps and Devices
Consumers don’t want to think about where their music or movies are stored or what speakers or TVs they are set up to; when they press play, they want their media to be ready.
Companies don’t care who was editing a presentation last or from what computer, when the presentation starts, they want to most updated version of the presentation to be shown on the conference room display.
Cloud storage is expected to be smarter and to anticipate the user’s needs. Users don’t want to worry about whether the device they are using supports a certain app or whether the file they need is accessible, they just want it to work.
Users Don’t Want to Think About: Changing Settings
Home automation that integrates with the cloud can now easily change home lighting, television, temperature and other preferences based on who is in the home. These new devices can also learn preferences to create a smarter, customized experience.
For companies, their users don’t want to think about changing their cloud sharing settings, they simply want it to be customized for their users and their business.
When a new user is added to a project, they should be added to cloud folder associated with that project. New automated cloud sharing will recognize this need and automatically update their user permissions. When cloud sharing integrates with automation these types of possibilities will be limitless.
Users Don’t Want to Think About: Security
No matter what people do in their home, office or on the internet, they don’t want to think about whether or not their information is safe. Cloud-based file sharing should have the appropriate security set up so users never have to think about security settings or whether data is being put at risk.
Right now MSPs understand that users need to be held responsible to a degree for file security. As cloud sharing integrates more with automation it is important to not only maintain the same level of security users are used to, but to improve it.
While we aren’t yet at a point where users are free from thinking about the cloud or about internet security, it’s important to realize that that is the direction the industry is headed. MSPs should expect more requests from their clients for automated solutions and more integrated systems. By keeping up to date with the newest technologies and by partnering with providers that understand the new challenges ahead, MSPs can ensure they are equipped to handle these requests.
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