Open-Xchange, Acens Bring Enhanced Hosted Webmail to SpainOpen-Xchange, Acens Bring Enhanced Hosted Webmail to Spain
September 7, 2011

It’s been a while since Microsoft messaging competitor Open-Xchange announced one of these deals, but sizable Spanish web hosting company Acens will be bringing the company’s cloud-based e-mail and groupware solution to 300,000 accounts. It’s all part of Open-Xchange’s push to dominate webmail in Europe — and the world.According to Open-Xchange’s press release, Acens will be using Open-Xchange to replace its outgoing Atmail system. Acens’ customers all will be getting Open-Xchange webmail inboxes, mobility and collaboration tools such as document sharing and social network integration. Everything, including the collaboration tools, will be free to users for a limited time as Acens trials the solution. It’s all part of Open-Xchange’s freemium value proposition for service providers.
Intriguingly, for the first time, Open-Xchange is positioning the deal directly as a counter to both Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365, which are both making increasing inroads in the cloud computing space. Specifically, Open-Xchange is hyping its offering as giving Acens a “competitive edge” over rivals who’ve thrown in with Redmond or the Googleplex — especially since this is apparently Acens’ first-ever real cloud offering.
Earlier this summer alone, Open-Xchange signed a deal to bring 5 million European mailboxes from STRATO over to its platform. Back in April, Open-Xchange and Parallels brought hosting providers from all over the globe to their side.
In short, Open-Xchange is maintaining an impressive momentum. Stay tuned to TalkinCloud for updates.
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