Image Gallery: Channel Partners Conference & Expo — Thrivin’ at 25Image Gallery: Channel Partners Conference & Expo — Thrivin’ at 25
It’s a milestone year — and a celebration not to be missed.
March 21, 2022

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Channel Partners Conference & Expo turns 25 in 2022. What started out as a small pioneering event in 1997 has grown to become the world’s largest independent channel event gathering. This year’s event is successfully tracking for 6,500+ attendees.
In 1997, Madeleine Albright became the first woman Secretary of State in U.S. history. “The Lion King” musical debuted on Broadway and the movie “Titanic” premiered in theaters. The first Harry Potter book was published. The Green Bay Packers won the Superbowl. was registered as a domain name. —
And PHONE+ magazine launched the AgENt Conference & Expo, the communication industry’s only event exclusively for channel agents, VARs, systems integrators, interconnects, wireless dealers and consultants.
See and hear from more than 100 top speakers at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo/MSP Summit. Register now to join 6,500 fellow attendees, April 11-14. You can also interact with more than 300 key suppliers and technology service distributors. |
Since 1987, PHONE+ had been serving the telecom channel, primarily the competitive long-distance and resale community. When the resale market expanded into data and local services, PHONE+ expanded its reader base. But there was no trade show or other in-person forum specifically geared toward the needs of the indirect channel. So, PHONE+ created one.
And the rest, as they say, is history. Details on that history will be revealed over the course of the Channel Partners Conference & Expo. In the meantime, scroll through the image gallery above for some highlights of the last quarter-century of shows.
And don’t miss our 25th Anniversary celebration on April 11 at TAO Nightclub Las Vegas.
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