Channel Partners’ Conference Sessions Are On-TrackChannel Partners’ Conference Sessions Are On-Track

Conference tracks include business of the channel, technology and innovation, and emerging and disruptive technology.

Channel Futures Staff

March 15, 2022

14 Slides
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The one constant in the channel is change. Conference sessions at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo and co-located MSP Summit aim to help partners survive and thrive, no matter what’s going on. This year, there will be three conference tracks: business of the channel, technology and innovation, and emerging and disruptive technology.

Business of the Channel

Providing clients with the technology they need to solve business challenges is just one part of a channel company’s operations. And it isn’t even the biggest part. A channel company is a business. And to stay on top, partners must stay abreast of the latest strategic issues. This track includes sessions on revenue growth, pricing, profitability, customer acquisition and retention, partner management, M&A and more.

Register now to join 6,500 fellow attendees at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo and co-located MSP Summit. It all happens April 11-14, in Las Vegas. You can also interact with more than 300 key suppliers and technology service distributors.

Technology & Innovation

Technology is evolving faster than ever, and it’s not easy keeping up with the latest technology on trends. That’s why this track includes sessions on such topics as security, cloud alternatives and B2B technology trends.

Emerging & Disruptive Technology

Many partners want to get in early on the revenue and profit opportunities of emerging technologies. What’s new in AI, AR&VR, IoT and blockchain? Ever heard of Generative AI? You will in this track.

For a closer look at the conference sessions being offered, scroll through the slideshow above.

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