Batman, Horses and MSPs: 10 Selfies from CompTIA ChannelCon 2014Batman, Horses and MSPs: 10 Selfies from CompTIA ChannelCon 2014
CompTIA ChannelCon 2014 took place this week in Phoenix, and MSPmentor Associate Editor Dan Kobialka introduced himself to attendees through the art of the selfie.

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CompTIA's ChannelCon 2014 in Phoenix featured some of the best and brightest IT professionals from managed service providers (MSPs), cloud services providers (CSPs) to value-added resellers (VARs).
Intimidating? Of course!
And to add to the intimidation factor, I also had the opportunity to meet the entire MSPmentor, Talkin' Cloud and The VAR Guy editorial team for the first time in person (I joined the team in April).
With my Marvel superhero notebook and Batman projection pen in hand (and yes, I realize Batman is a DC Comics character!), I introduced myself to an informed community of IT pros the only way I knew how — via selfies!
Here are 10 selfies from ChannelCon 2014.
(And, of course, if you see me at future MSP events, please introduce yourself and pose for a selfie too!)
Have an MSP selfie you'd like to share? Tweet us @mspmentor or @dkobialka, share your thoughts in the Comments section below or email me at [email protected].
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