Aprigo: How To Avoid The Wrong Kind of AttentionAprigo: How To Avoid The Wrong Kind of Attention

It’s good to make the front page of industry blogs. It’s better to get that attention for a reason other than a cloud application security breach that exposes company secrets or personal information.

Matthew Weinberger

November 1, 2010

2 Min Read
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5923-aprigo.gifIt’s good to make the front page of industry blogs. It’s better to get that attention for a reason other than a cloud application security breach that exposes company secrets or personal information. Aprigo, which specializes in permissions management products, is now offering a solution for avoiding that kind of situation by tweaking Google Docs settings. Here’s the scoop.

Aprigo’s blog entry on the matter calls attention to the case of MySpace, where the social networking site made headlines via TechCrunch. Specifically, it came to light that they were using a public Google Docs spreadsheet to manage a slew of data they’d rather keep under wraps.

The last time MSPmentor heard from Aprigo, we were discussing how they integrated their permissions management technology with the free RMM platform Spiceworks by way of a plugin.

And now that blog entry indicates added a feature to the Aprigo NINJA product enabling management Google Docs sharing permissions just as you would a network fileshare. In fact, a major piece of the functionality is generating actionable lists of exposed Google Apps documents and tweaking the settings — right from the app. Previously, NINJA could generate those lists — but administrators couldn’t act on them.

Google’s been making positive steps towards enhancing the privacy of the Google Apps cloud suite — but human error is still a factor when it comes to the cloud, and the consequences can be a lot more public. If you’re wary about your cloud document securirty, Aprigo NINJA has a 7-day trial available on the Google Apps Marketplace.

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