Where Can MSPs Find Lenders, Leasing Programs and Financing?Where Can MSPs Find Lenders, Leasing Programs and Financing?
So, you're a managed services provider that needs a small business loan, a lease or some other financial assistance. What are your options? Our sister site, The VAR Guy, is putting together a research report just for you. The VAR Guy's Channel Finance 25 -- an annual report -- will help VARs and MSPs to find the key companies, organizations and financial lenders that can assist with short-term cash flow and long-term growth strategies.
So, you’re a managed services provider that needs a small business loan, a lease or some other financial assistance. What are your options? Our sister site, The VAR Guy, is putting together a research report just for you. The VAR Guy’s Channel Finance 25 — an annual report — will help VARs and MSPs to find the key companies, organizations and financial lenders that can assist with short-term cash flow and long-term growth strategies. Here are the details.The VAR Guy’s Channel Finance 25 survey runs through December 17. The survey is open to any vendor, financial organization or lender that wants to tout their financial expertise to VARs, MSPs, integrators and solutions providers. Survey results will be pushed in early 2011, allowing solutions providers to quickly find potential funding resources they crave.
Why is The VAR Guy uniquely qualified to launch this survey? Here are a few brash reasons:
First up, The VAR Guy’s editorial team has extensive experience producing and managing such surveys as the annual MSPmentor 100 (tracking the world’s most successful managed services providers) and the MSPmentor 250 ( tracking top MSP executives, experts and entrepreneurs). Oh, and there’s even a rumor that The VAR Guy had a hand in the annual InformationWeek 500 survey back in the 1990s…
Also of note: Launched in January 2008, The VAR Guy has emerged as the top blog in the IT channel.
So, get started and fill out the Channel Finance 25 survey. Companies that land on The VAR Guy’s Channel Finance 25 list will receive a boatload of benefits, including major search engine optimization (SEO), links from The VAR Guy’s website, and other steps that allow solutions providers to more easily find your funding resources.
Got more questions? Send an email to The VAR Guy [at] NineLivesMediaInc [dot] com. If you prefer to deal with a real person, send email to Nine Lives Media Inc. editorial director Joe Panettieri (joe [at] NineLivesMediaInc [dot] com).
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