Apply Now for the 2022 Channel Futures MSP 501Apply Now for the 2022 Channel Futures MSP 501
Be counted among your peers as one of the top managed service providers in the world.
February 1, 2022

Do you have what it takes to rank among the top 501 managed service providers in the world? Every year, MSPs from around the globe throw their hats in the ring to see how they stack up against their peers in the Channel Futures MSP 501, the IT channel’s first, largest and most comprehensive survey and ranking of managed service providers (MSPs) worldwide.
We are officially in our 15th year of the 501 survey. The list has evolved from a ranking of a handful of partners to an insightful, data-rich full report that does more than name the top MSPs in the world; it shows you how they got there.
After the tumult of 2020, applications surged in 2021, setting up 2022 to be our most captivating year yet. We’re building on last year’s record-breaking number of applicants and updated advanced methodologies.
Will you make the cut to become a 501er? There’s only one way to find out. Check out our FAQs below, then stand up and be counted in the 2022 Channel Futures MSP 501 survey and rankings! Access the 2022 MSP 501 survey here.
Be counted among your peers as one of the top managed service providers in the world. Click here for the 2022 MSP 501 application. |
It’s the goal of the Channel Futures MSP 501 team to make applying as easy as possible. If you have questions about the survey, check out the FAQ below. If you don’t see an answer, shoot us an email at [email protected], and we’d be happy to help.
2022 MSP 501 Application FAQs
Where do I access the survey?
To apply for the 2022 MSP 501, click here.
Can I see the survey application before beginning the submission process?
To download a PDF of the 2022 MSP 501 survey, please click here.
Can I save my progress and return to finish later?
The survey platform defaults to “save.” As long as you have cookies enabled and are continuing the application on the same device, you can come back later to complete the survey/form.
Can I edit my answers?
Applicants can back up in the survey and adjust data as needed before clicking on the Submit button. Once you submit an application, we consider it to be final.
Will I receive a copy of my answers?
Upon submittal, applicants who provide their email address when prompted will receive a confirmation email that contains a PDF copy of their responses. We highly suggest you save this PDF for your records.
What do you need for revenue verification?
Download the MSP 501 revenue verification form here, or within the survey. It must be completed with the revenue numbers you have self-reported and signed by a certified financial professional or member of your company’s executive team. You may not submit an application for the 2022 MSP 501 without first uploading the verification document.
Will you disclose my company’s financial information?
Channel Futures/Channel Partners will not disclose specific annual revenue information such as revenue dollars. However, we reserve the right to publish company growth rates based on the private revenue data you submit.
What if I have technical difficulties?
For help troubleshooting your application, please email [email protected] and our team will get back to you shortly. For help with site registration, please email [email protected].
When does the survey close?
The 2022 MSP 501 will close for applications on Saturday, April 30.
When will Channel Futures announce the winners?
501 winners will be announced in June 2022 in our reveal webcast and on Special award winners will be announced at our annual MSP 501 Awards Gala, celebrating all 2022 MSP 501 winners, at the MSP Summit, September 12-15 in Orlando.
To pre-register for a VIP Pass to attend MSP Summit, click here.
How do you evaluate applications to arrive at the rankings?
We use a proprietary algorithm that weighs different revenue streams according to how representative they are of modern business models and forward-thinking managed services strategies.
What if I can’t remember what I entered last year?
2021 applicants that provided a valid email address and have not opted out of Channel Futures/Informa marketing communications will receive a unique URL that directs them to a company-specific survey with certain pre-populated, editable information such as company information, social handles and self-reported 2018 revenue numbers. For further questions, please email [email protected].
What will winners receive in their award packages?
MSPs that earn a place on the 501 will receive an award package that includes the MSP 501 winner’s logo; a press release template to announce the win; suggested social media posts; and a Q&A form that winners can return to the MSP 501 editorial team that may be used as the basis for a company profile. Winners of divisional lists such as MSSP, SMB and regional lists will receive separate additional packages.
Where can I learn more?
The MSP 501 has its own landing page on the Channel Futures site. All updates and editorial coverage of the survey and 501ers will be promoted on MSP 501 social channels:
Twitter: @MSP_501
LinkedIn: 501er Community
Instagram: @MSP_501
Facebook: @ChannelFuturesMSP501
If you have questions or issues not answered here, please email the MSP 501 editorial team at [email protected]. Thanks for your interest, get in there, and best of luck!
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