Mac Virus Is Actually Oracle Java Security HoleMac Virus Is Actually Oracle Java Security Hole

Multiple readers asked The VAR Guy today if he had suffered from a "new" Mac OS X virus. Let's slow down, folks. The alleged Mac virus reports spreading across the web have little to do with Apple and Mac OS X, and a lot to do with a small security hole in Java -- which is owned by Oracle. And by the way, there's a simple security fix.

The VAR Guy

April 6, 2012

2 Min Read
Mac Virus Is Actually Oracle Java Security Hole

Mac OS and Java Security

Multiple readers asked The VAR Guy today if he had suffered from a “new” Mac OS X virus. Let’s slow down, folks. The alleged Mac virus reports spreading across the web have little to do with Apple and Mac OS X, and a lot to do with a small security hole in Java — which is owned by Oracle. And by the way, there’s a simple security fix.

Hey, The VAR Guy isn’t pointing fingers here. On the desktop, The VAR Guy runs Mac OS X, Windows and Ubuntu. He’s a cross-platform type of guy. On the server, The VAR Guy uses Oracle Financials for his expense reports. All is well in The VAR Guy’s small but powerful IT world.

Danger Ahead?

But then the emails started — mostly from Mac folks who were worried about security, and from Windows folks who wanted to say Mac OS X is suffering from a big, painful virus outbreak.

Time for a reality check: The mainstream media keeps reporting that more than 600,000 Mac OS X computers have been infected with a virus this week. That’s only “sort of” true. The issue was with Java, controlled by Oracle. As AllThingsD reported:

“Apple has issued a fix to Mac OS X that closes the hole in Java, and you can protect yourself by running Software Update from within your machine’s System Preferences. Today would be a good day to do that if you haven’t already. Once you’ve done this you’re no longer vulnerable to the attack.”

Problem solved. Crisis averted. Blogging continues here for The VAR Guy.

Holistic Security

For VARs and channel partners, this “Mac” security incident offers a prime opportunity to discuss holistic security with your customers.

Get beyond the Mac and Windows security chatter. Focus on  total information protection, corporate compliance and other discussions that don’t get bogged down in anti-virus cost-per-desktop calculations.

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