Ubuntu Linux Clone Looks Like Windows XPUbuntu Linux Clone Looks Like Windows XP
January 6, 2010

Ubuntu Linux Like Windows XP
A Chinese group has created an Ubuntu Linux clone that looks, um, just like Windows XP. Two big questions: First, do customers want a Linux release — called Ylmf OS — that looks like Windows? Second, is Microsoft willing to allow a group of Ubuntu renegades to mimic Windows XP’s look and feel? Hmmm…
The VAR Guy needs to tip his hat to Ars Technica for breaking this story and checking in with Microsoft. The media site asked the software giant if it planned to take legal action against Ylmf OS to protect Windows XP’s graphical user interface. Microsoft’s response to Ars Technica:
“While we can’t comment on the future, we have no current litigation efforts in place about this.”
Ubuntu: XP Edition?
Now, the next logical question: Do businesses and consumers want an Ubuntu Linux release that essentially looks and feels like Windows XP?
Hmmm… In The VAR Guy’s own home his kids already move seamlessly between Windows XP, Mac OS X and Canonical‘s more traditional Ubuntu user interface. The “myth” that desktop Linux has a difficult learning curve is just that… a myth.
And besides, it doesn’t sound like Ylmf OS is pushing beyond China anytime soon. Still… you never can tell how software will potentially go viral across the web.
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