Internet Explorer: Fewer Bugs Than Firefox?Internet Explorer: Fewer Bugs Than Firefox?
So, which Web browser has the most software bugs: Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox? uTest, a fast-growing marketplace for software testing, uncovered some rather intriguing answers. Here's the scoop, from The VAR Guy.
December 11, 2008

So, which Web browser has the most software bugs: Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox? uTest, a fast-growing marketplace for software testing, uncovered some rather intriguing answers. Here’s the scoop, from The VAR Guy.
More than 1300 software testers from 68 countries recently participated in uTest‘s Battle of the Browsers competition. The uTest community found:
672 overall bugs
101 “showstopper” bugs, which are flaws that need immediate attention
So which Web browser was the buggiest? Apparently, Firefox 3.1 — though it’s important to note that Firefox had the most number of testers hunting bugs during the contest. In theory, the more testers you have the more bugs you’ll find. Here are some quick stats on each browser:
Internet Explorer 8: 356 uTesters identified 168 bugs, including 9 percent that were classified as showstoppers.
Firefox 3.1 Beta: 514 uTesters identified 207 bugs, including 24 percent that were classified as showstoppers.
Google Chrome: 461 uTesters identified 297 bugs, including 12 percent that were classified as showstoppers.
Of course, the findings above aren’t exactly scientific results. But The VAR Guy was impressed to see Internet Explorer with comparatively few bugs. (Here’s uTest’s complete recap of the Browser of the Browser bug hunt.)
On Demand Bug Hunters
Still, there’s a bigger story or trend here. During the economic slowdown, many software companies will struggle to maintain their internal bug-testing staffs. On the flip side, novice external testers can either slow down a beta process or fail to properly document bugs for software companies.
Enter uTest, which could serve as an on-demand marketplace for software companies that need to polish their code but either (A) can’t afford a massive, internal code-testing team or (B) don’t have a loyal user base willing to test beta code. uTest potentially fills that void, marrying software companies with beta addicts who love hunting bugs.
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