Hey Larry, Mention Google Apps During GOOG Earnings CallHey Larry, Mention Google Apps During GOOG Earnings Call
April 12, 2012

By samdizzy
When Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) announces 1Q 2012 earnings results later today, Google CEO Larry Page or CFO Patrick Pichette needs to mention Google Apps at least once during the earnings call.The reason: Some pundits — including The Wall Street Journal — have openly questioned Google’s commitment to Google Apps for Business. Google Apps doubters suggest Google will spend more and more time focused on social media, search and mobility — and less time on SaaS applications, which don’t generate much revenue for Google. In fact, Google has never publicly disclosed Google Apps revenue figures.
Still, Google continues to fund and expand its Google Apps Authorized Reseller program. Plus, a Google spokesman says more than 5,000 businesses sign up for Google Apps daily.
Talkin’ Cloud believes Google is committed to Google Apps. But Google’s top executive ranks — Page, Pichette and others — need to publicly (and repeatedly) describe Google Apps’ value to Google and the company’s partners and customers.
Today’s earnings call, scheduled for 4:30 p.m. ET, would be a great place for Page or Pichette to make such a statement, since investors, media and cloud pundits closely track GOOG earnings announcements and profit forecasts.
Talkin’ Cloud will be back with Google earnings analysis after the Google earnings call.
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