Compliance Data in the Cloud: What Every MSP Should KnowCompliance Data in the Cloud: What Every MSP Should Know
MSPs specializing in cloud-based file sharing may not find it shocking that end users frequently share data via insecure means. What might come as a surprise, however, is the fact that 20 percent of those files contain data directly related to compliance (or lack thereof).
December 16, 2014

By Michael Brown 1
MSPs specializing in cloud-based file sharing, may not be shocked to discover that end users frequently share data via insecure means. What might come as a surprise, however, is the fact that 20 percent of those files contain data directly related to compliance (or lack thereof).
This statistic comes from a recent study that analyzed roughly 100 million files shared through public-cloud applications. You can see all the findings in this infographic, but here are a few key takeaways, specifically for MSPs:
Non-compliance is the norm, not the exception
Based on the numbers, most businesses are struggling to stay compliant. Some have not made it a priority at all. The compliance data that was shared on public-clouds included personally identifiable information (PII), personal health information (PHI), and customer payment card information.
This fact presents opportunities for MSPs. Conveying to companies the importance of compliance and the risk of having their data vulnerable gives you the opportunity to bring them a solution. Creating a cloud file sharing system that stays compliant can bring them extreme value.
It only takes one user
The study revealed that 5 percent of enterprise users are responsible for 85 percent of the exposure risk. 5 percent is a small enough number, but really, it only takes one user. An MSP can create the most secure system possible but if a single user who has access to the data chooses to put the company information at risk, either intentionally or unintentionally, it can be difficult to prevent.
MSPs should work to ensure that the cloud sharing system is set up in a way to best combat this risk. Set up cloud sharing that can view uploads, downloads and changes made by specific users. Then, make sure all users understand how to maintain compliance. Also, make sure you can restrict access to certain parts of your cloud sharing to various users, because…
The more recipients, the greater the risk
Of the compliance data that is being shared, it was revealed that 68 percent is being shared with the whole company. This is the prime way data is being put at risk. Giving access to more people than is necessary opens up the chance that the information will be compromised.
Some companies may actually resist you on this. Having every file available to every employee removes a barrier when trying to collaborate. But there is no reason to jeopardize the company’s security for this. Convey the added risk of sharing files across the entire company. Then, make it easy to add and remove users and teams from specific files or folders.
Staying compliant can be a struggle for many businesses, especially when dealing with a high volume of data being shared around the company. Cloud-based file sharing can still be a great solution for a company dealing with compliance laws, they just need the help of an MSP to make sure their systems are set up correctly and their employees and managers understand what is expected of them.
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