Twitter #Hashtags for Fun and Profit: Use Them the Right WayTwitter #Hashtags for Fun and Profit: Use Them the Right Way
Are you a managed services provider (MSP) on Twitter? If so, have you adopted a common hashtag throughout your tweets? Have I lost you already? For those of you who are unsure of hashtags, you're not alone. Check out our quick introduction and how-to guide here.
Are you a managed services provider (MSP) on Twitter? If so, have you adopted a common hashtag throughout your tweets? Have I lost you already? For those of you who are unsure of hashtags, you’re not alone. Check out our quick introduction and how-to guide here.
According to Twitter: “The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by twitter users as a way to categorize messages.”
Great, now you understand the purpose of a hashtag, but the use of one may not be as clear. Your hashtag choice should be something common, since you want your tweet to be categorized among other tweets on the same topic. For example, using your company name as the hashtag will not do you any good. Most users won’t search for your company directly, but they will search for the services that your company provides. As an MSP, use hashtags related to your field; don’t use your company name as a hashtag.
Hashtags can occur anywhere in your tweet, however, I suggest that you place them at the end — or use them in the middle (only if it flows). A hashtag in the beginning of your tweet may look awkward if it’s alone and not connected with the rest of your tweet. Take a look at the tweet below that uses hashtags in the middle, as well as the end, from N-able Technologies— a provider of remote monitoring and management (RMM) automation platforms:
“October 12 is fast approaching! #VOTE and win! #Nable #vote #vendors2013 #MSP #RMM”
Which hashtags are trending? Try these free hashtag tools below to assist your search for perfect hashtags: Search through metrics, analysis, marketing, advertising, promotion, how-to, research, and content organization across all social media networks that use hashtags
twazzup: A real-time news platform that helps users filter the news out of live internet content
Twubs: Manage your hashtags by grouping them into discussion for easier following.
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