Facebook, Twitter: Leverage the Insight, Not the UserFacebook, Twitter: Leverage the Insight, Not the User
Leverage social media such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for business, but don't be a pest. Here's what to do and how to do it.

Think before you connect with someone through a social networking platform. Why are you connecting with that particular individual? Are you looking to leverage his or her contacts? If so, what can you offer in return? I don’t know about you, but I often receive requests, especially on LinkedIn, from random users. These users hope to leverage me for my skills, knowledge, or contacts without providing an incentive for me. Relationships are not founded through social media — they are only enhanced. There are ways, however, to leverage an expert’s knowledge of the channel in a less intrusive way. We’ll explain the details.
You build relationships by meeting people, not by connecting with them through the Internet. Despite what you may think, social media has opened another road of failure for us — not opportunity. Think about how much you dislike receiving cold calls from companies — it’s the same approach. Avoid this societal pitfall by leveraging insight that’s been already made public through Twitter.
Use the following ways to learn from those in the IT channel, without becoming a pest:
Follow experts — Twitter is a great platform for following those in your industry, without directly connecting with them. Read MSPmentor for the content, but for the array of experts, too. When we mention someone in an article, look for their Twitter handle and follow;
Follow vendors — You will learn by reading our blog, but you also educate yourself further by following company Twitter accounts. Many vendors in the channel are active on Twitter and are frequently answering questions, providing information, and offering valuable insight; and
Follow hashtags — Following hashtags is a great way to find new insights from those in the channel. If you’re not sure which hashtags to follow, think of keywords in the channel. Scan through our articles and look for frequently used key terms.
Twitter enables users to gather valuable insight, without directly asking for help. You’ll no longer be looked at as a pest — just a follower.
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