3 Ways to Pitch Imaging-based Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions3 Ways to Pitch Imaging-based Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions
How can managed services providers (MSPs) pitch image-based backup to customers? We found out three ways to go about it.

Regardless of where your allegiance lies in the debate between image-based and file-based backup solutions, imaged-based backup has made its way to the forefront of many conversations, particularly when it comes to the Cryptolocker virus.
How managed services providers (MSPs) can pitch this technology to customers is an area we looked into and, after speaking with an MSP, found results.
When it comes to data and backup disaster recovery (BDR), CCNS Consulting owner Karl Bickmore pitches image-based backup to customers on a regular basis for the following reasons:
Time of recovery.
Testing out solutions in customer environments.
Time of recovery is key
Speak the language of your customers (business, not technology). Point out the costliness of downtime in an organization. An image-based backup solution can prevent downtime, and, in return, keep dollars in customer pockets.
Bickmore suggested that MSPs should try to get a feel for a customer’s gross revenue, so they can quickly calculate the value of a lost hour of productivity.
“Time of recovery is key,” Bickmore told MSPmentor. “The fact that you can nearly instantly return an environment to a previous state completely is very powerful.”
Testing out solutions in a customer’s environment
Image-based backup enables MSPs to test out new solutions in a customer’s environment. It’s a safer way to handle changes, Bickmore said.
“Have a patch go badly?” he said. “Simply move the system back to the snapshot you did just prior to the new change.”
The ultimate solution for retention plans
Bickmore said image-based backup is “truly the ultimate solution for retention plans,” adding that it’s complete in the retention of individual files, as well as the entire environment.
“Sometimes if you have a traditional file based backup, restoring to a point in time does you no good without all the supporting files for that data file being in place,” he said. “A snapshot that is setup to record the entire environment allows for complete point in time recovery.”
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