SBC Supports Women's MuseumSBC Supports Women's Museum

Channel Partners

October 1, 2004

2 Min Read
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Bea Bourne, COO for The Women’s Museum (left), and Amanda Ray, representing SBC Communications, join Dallas-area Girl Scouts of Tejas Council to open the first of five boxes of monarch butterflies to symbolize the $500,000 grant from the SBC Foundation.

SBC Communications Inc. has donated a $500,000 SBC Foundation grant to help launch a national campaign that will raise money for the Dallas-based Women’s Museum, which chronicles the lives of American women through interactive exhibitions. The Women’s Museum, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, will use the grant to bring the Smithsonian’s most-visited permanent exhibition, “First Ladies: Political Role and Public Image” to Dallas from Nov. 20 through Feb. 13, 2005.

Help for the Undecided Voter

If your college-age kid still has not decided who gets his or her vote next month, you may want to point out Rock the Vote’s Mobile Find Your Candidate application. It’s a wireless questionnaire presented by Motorola Inc. and Rock the Vote. Download the application free from to a Javaenabled mobile handset or answer the questionnaire via a WAP interface. The questionnaire measures user opinions on social and political issues including war, taxes and the environment. When the questionnaire is completed, the name of the major party candidate who most closely fits a user’s views appears.


“If you become satisfied, you become complacent, and you lose the initiative and the drive that made you a success in the first place.”

-Mike Ditka, former Chicago Bears head coach during his Aug. 31 keynote speech at The Channel Partners Conference & Expo in Chicago.

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Motorola Inc. www.motorola.comRock the Vote Communications Inc.

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