KnowBe4 Tackles Compliance Management ChallengesKnowBe4 Tackles Compliance Management Challenges

KnowBe4 is aiming to help IT departments create a "compliance safe zone" with the latest release of its Compliance Manager tool.

Chris Talbot

March 17, 2014

2 Min Read
Stu Sjouwerman founder and CEO of KnowBe4
Stu Sjouwerman, founder and CEO of KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is aiming to help IT departments create a "compliance safe zone" with the latest release of its Compliance Manager tool.

KnowBe4 Compliance Manager is a cloud-based tool that helps manage complex compliance requirements, and the latest version has new self-assessment capabilities. The audit and compliance workflow automation tool was designed originally to simplify and consolidate the management of compliance requirements, reducing the amount of time-consuming manual work IT professionals have to do to ensure their companies adhere to strict compliance regulations.

For KnowBe4's channel partners, particularly managed services providers (MSPs), there's the potential to create services revenue around compliance management in addition to the resale margins of the cloud application. Particularly in small to medium businesses (SMBs) that don't have the resources or skills to properly manage compliance requirements, there's a growing opportunity for partners to play advisory and consulting roles.

"Often corporate management relegates compliance to IT as another set of tasks and since it may not be integrated with the overall strategy, security ends up suffering and the growing list of tasks become too unwieldy to manage," said Stu Sjouwerman, founder and CEO of KnowBe4, in a prepared statement. "KCM allows you to utilize compliance standards as part of your security baseline, which saves time to work on higher levels of IT security."

KnowBe4 Compliance Manager consolidates multiple regulatory requirements and eliminates duplicate efforts to prevent overlap and and eliminate gaps, according to the company.

But KnowBe4 also noted that the biggest threat to security isn't actually the technology, but end user carelessness. And the channel can likely play a key role in that area, as well. Education, such as security awareness training, can help companies mitigate their risks by ensuring their employees are up to date on security protocols and procedures.

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