CTMs John Chaney: Wild at HeartCTMs John Chaney: Wild at Heart
December 11, 2008
By Cara Sievers
Nearly five years ago, master agent John Chaney attended a men-only religious weekend retreat, where he had such a meaningful experience that he became volunteer for the program, called Wild at Heart (A weekend at The Shaque).
CTM’s John Chaney |
“These weekends are like a safari of the heart to recover a life of freedom, passion and adventure. I believe it will help men get their hearts back,” John said. “And besides that, the weekends are a riot.”
John’s background in individual and family counseling came in handy. He was asked to lead the retreat’s discussions and fireside chats. Soon after, John became one of six in a “band of brothers” to organize and lead the semi-monthly retreats, which are filled with activities, such as hatchet-throwing, paintball matches, four-wheeler trail riding, and pistol and rifle shooting.
John leads a discussion with Wild At Heart attendees. |
Now, some might instantly conjure up images of Tim “The Toolman” Taylor scratching his head and liberating a gurgling, barbaric grunt, but there’s more to these weekends than that. Based on the book “Wild at Heart” by John Eldridge, these events invite men to “discover the secret of a man’s soul — his masculine spirit,” or so says the brochure.
“Most men have not been given a good example of a father or masculinity,” John explained, noting many fathers are abusive, neglectful or absentee. “We help men deal with that ‘father wound’ and it helps opens their hearts to God the father.”
John’s background qualifies him to lead scripture-centered counseling sessions. In 1975, he graduated from Bible College, where he trained and volunteered as a para-professional crisis intervention counselor for a 24-hour crisis hotline. He went on to start his own hotline two years later. He continued his studies in Biblical counseling and started Northwoods Community Church in Peoria, Ill., in 1990.
John and other young fathers who volunteer with the program get ready for an ATV adventure. |
John uses his experience at each retreat to help people find “wholeness through the right relationship with God and following a scriptural plan for life, marriage and family,” he said. Having three sons and four grandsons himself, John said he wants “to help men find the exciting life that can be experienced by living the unique role that we as men were created to fulfill — and to teach the importance of men passing their Godly masculinity on to their sons and grandsons.”
John said the discussions at the retreat, especially the campfire talk where each man discusses his relationship with his father, are simply unbelievable. However, John joked, if they don’t like what he has to say, they can just shoot him in paintball.
John crouches for cover during a round of paintball. |
Day job: John is president of master agency Corporate Telecom Management, which primarily sells AT&T services to businesses through a network of independent agents and vendors. Previously, John served as vice president of sales and marketing at JirehCom, a nationwide long-distance provider.
First job: John had a paper route when he was 10, but his first job after college was as associate pastor of a little church in San Jose, Calif., where, in 1974, he was paid $200 per month, plus free vegetables.
Words to live by: “Life is hard and then you die … but God is good.” Psalm 73:28
Favorite joke: Q: Do you know why husbands usually die before their wives? A: Because they want to! (“Sorry ladies, just a joke,” said John.)
Water warrior: John loves to boat and water ski, and even learned to wake board this summer at age 55.
Thoughts on telecom: “I am more excited today than ever about the telecom business. I am an entrepreneur and I get bored easily with status quo. This ever-evolving industry keeps me dreaming. I love it.”
Do you know someone who has Personality+? We’re looking for interesting characters in telecom to take the spotlight! Please send nominations to Cara Sievers at [email protected].
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